FOP Insurance Trust Fund
P O Box 011127
Miami, FL 33101
(305) 372-4605 - Office • (305) 372-4604 - Fax
1 800 525 7015 (for members outside the Dade County area)
Miami, FL 33101
(305) 372-4605 - Office • (305) 372-4604 - Fax
1 800 525 7015 (for members outside the Dade County area)
e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chairman: Charles McEwan
Chairman: Charles McEwan
MPVA members are reminded that there is a HEALTH TRUST MESSAGE BOARD inside the Member's Section of this website.
Members will need to sign in to Viewa.
Members will need to sign in to Viewa.